Meyers Cocktail

IV Infusion

The Myers Cocktail Infusion is a powerful blend of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants formulated to support optimal health and vitality. Named after Dr. John Myers, who pioneered the use of intravenous nutrient therapy in the 1960s, this infusion provides a synergistic combination of nutrients designed to address nutrient deficiencies, boost immune function, support detoxification, and promote overall wellness. 


Why Meyers Cocktail IV Infusions?

In today's fast-paced world, maintaining optimal health can be challenging, and nutrient deficiencies are common due to poor diet, stress, environmental toxins, and other factors. The Myers Cocktail Infusion offers a convenient and effective solution to replenish essential nutrients, support cellular function, and promote overall well-being. By delivering nutrients directly into your bloodstream, our therapy ensures maximum absorption and effectiveness, allowing you to experience the full benefits of each nutrient.  

Benefits of Meyers Cocktail IV Infusions

Nutrient Repletion

Immune Support

Vitamin C and other antioxidants included in the Myers Cocktail Infusion help boost immune function, enhance white blood cell activity, and protect against infections and diseases, promoting resilience and well-being.

Our infusion provides a balanced blend of vitamins, including vitamin C, vitamin B complex, calcium, magnesium, and other essential nutrients, to replenish depleted levels and support optimal cellular function.

Detoxification Support

Magnesium and calcium are essential minerals for supporting detoxification pathways in the body, aiding in the removal of toxins and waste products and promoting optimal liver function.

Energy Enhancement

B vitamins such as B1, B2, B3, B5, and B6 are essential for energy metabolism and cellular energy production. By replenishing B vitamin levels, our infusion can help combat fatigue, improve mental clarity, and enhance overall vitality. 

Who Can Benefit?

Myers Cocktail Infusion is suitable for individuals looking to: 

  • Replenish essential nutrients and address nutrient deficiencies.

  •  Boost immune function and promote resilience against infections and diseases.

  •  Enhance energy levels, mental clarity, and overall vitality. 

  • Support detoxification and promote optimal liver function.

  •  Reduce stress, anxiety, and improve mood and well-being. 

 Consult with a healthcare professional to determine if vitamin infusions are right for you and to discuss the appropriate dosage and frequency based on your individual needs.

Schedule your consultation with us and take the first step towards renewed energy and well-being.

Schedule your consultation with us and take the first step towards renewed energy and well-being.