Heart Health

Basic Lab Panel

Worried about your heart’s well-being? The Heart Health Basic Plus panel includes a battery of tests designed to evaluate cardiac markers, lipids, and proteins, providing valuable insights into heart function and the identification of cardiovascular risk factors. This panel is indispensable for precise diagnosis, informing treatment approaches, and safeguarding heart health. Prompt medical evaluation is imperative when experiencing ongoing or deteriorating cardiac symptoms, such as chest pain, breathlessness, or heart palpitations. If you encounter any of these troubling symptoms, don’t hesitate to seek immediate medical attention.


Heart Health Basic Lab Panel includes the following:

  • Lipid Panel

  • Apolipoprotein A1 (Apo-A1)

  • Apolipoprotein B (Apo-B)

  • CRP, HS

  • Lipoprotein(a)

  • Homocysteine

  • Fasting Insulin

  • CBC with Diff

  • Comprehensive Metabolic Panel

Who Can Benefit?

Individuals with Cardiovascular Risk Factors: This panel is particularly beneficial for individuals with known cardiovascular risk factors such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol levels, diabetes, obesity, or a family history of heart disease. It helps in identifying early signs of heart issues and guiding appropriate interventions.

People with Symptoms of Heart Disease: Individuals experiencing symptoms suggestive of heart disease, such as chest pain, shortness of breath, palpitations, or fatigue, can benefit from this panel to assess their cardiac markers and determine the underlying cause of their symptoms.

Patients with Existing Heart Conditions: Those already diagnosed with heart conditions, such as coronary artery disease, heart failure, or arrhythmias, can use this panel for ongoing monitoring of their cardiac health and treatment efficacy.

Individuals on Medications Affecting Heart Health: People taking medications known to affect heart function, such as certain chemotherapy drugs, can benefit from regular monitoring with this panel to detect any adverse effects on their heart health.

Individuals Leading Sedentary Lifestyles: Sedentary individuals or those with a history of unhealthy lifestyle habits such as smoking, excessive alcohol consumption, or poor dietary choices may benefit from this panel to assess their heart health and make necessary lifestyle modifications.

People Seeking Preventive Health Measures: Individuals interested in preventive health measures and proactive management of their heart health can use this panel to evaluate their cardiac markers, lipids, and proteins, allowing for early detection of potential cardiovascular issues.

Schedule your consultation with us and take the first step towards renewed energy and well-being.

Schedule your consultation with us and take the first step towards renewed energy and well-being.